
How does home grown honey sound to you?

Well, we are excited to tell you that we are planning on having a beehive or two at our little farm! There are numerous beehive systems out there but we will probably start with the most cost efficient one which will be sourced from local apiarists.
The bees will of course serve 2 functions. The first being to pollinate our fruit orchard, vegetable garden, flowers and anything else that needs a little pollination! The second and just as exciting will be to supply us with fresh, delicious honey.
Honey can easily be purchased from local stores, but there is no guarantee that you are getting natural, organic, healthy, REAL honey! It has recently come to my attention that a lot of the "honey" out there is in fact corn syrup. Talk about disgusting!
Once we begin to set up our beehives there will be tons of pictures supplied along with all the information we learn to pass along to you...
So keep an eye out for updates!

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