Solar Power and Geothermal Heat Pumps

I am constantly researching and reading about alternative energy sources. I would love to be completely "off grid" one day very soon. No, I am not a "conspiracy theorist prepper wacko"! I am simply tired of reading and seeing all the pollution and damage that the human race is causing on our beautiful planet. If being self sufficient, independent, and prepared for any situation makes me a wacko....well then I guess I will wear that title proudly!
Currently I am contemplating two systems that I believe will almost completely remove our dependence on the local utility company. These two types of systems are solar (of course) and a geothermal heat pump. Most people know what a solar system is... The sun shines and the solar panels collect the energy and convert it into usable electricity. The second system which I only found out about recently is a geothermal heat pump. What this does is it sends water (or coolant) through a closed loop system down into the ground and heats or cools your home depending on the season. It has a regular(ish) thermostat that you set to your comfort zone and then magically (in other words - in a way I don't fully understand) it heats and cools your home all year long in a very extremely efficient way!
I will be having some estimates done once we actually purchase our homestead and I will share all the information here for anyone who is curious to know how it works out and if indeed there is a cost savings to be had.

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