Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cross your fingers!!

     So... it has been a long busy 2 weeks searching for a new property to call home. Just when we thought it wasn't gonna happen a brand new listing popped up yesterday! A bank owned foreclosure with 9.6 acres and right at our price range! Went to see it tonight and got lost (thanks to my GPS)!
     Found it but the agent had already left. Peered through all the windows like a bandit trying to break in, thankfully it is vacant! Other than carpeting needing to be torn out, a paint job and some work on the fencing it is perfect!
     There were purple iris' blooming and wild blackberry brambles that I hear goats think are scrumptious and even a little creek!!
     So, on the drive back (once I was in cell phone range again) I called the agent and told her we want it! Shortly after we got home she had the paperwork all done and emailed it to me. I was able to use a nifty thing called docu-sign and within minutes it was back to her and being forwarded to the listing agent!! Yay!!
     Cross your fingers, she thinks we could be in escrow by MONDAY!! I guess I better start finding boxes and go buy a shovel to dig up all my flowers to take with us this weekend!
      Oh wait, I can't do that this weekend, I have a bunch of family coming to town to visit us! Well if we are in escrow I guess we can take a little drive to the property so I can show it off!

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