Thursday, April 9, 2015

My heart is in my throat!

Today we received some distressing news...

          the other buyer has accepted the sellers counter offer for our farm. We are not too thrilled about this at all. So, I spoke with my realtor extensively as well as my lender and upped our bid for the farm to $155,000 with the potential to increase to $160,000. Not what we wanted to happen but it is a small difference for us to get our dream farm. I also wrote another letter to the seller regarding our hopes and dreams and her farm... I have again poured out my heart to a total stranger hoping to sway her in our direction. Cross your fingers that the seller decides to change their mind and go with us instead.

Oh, did I mention that there is a ZEBRA RANCH down the road from our farm? No? Well I just discovered it while searching out what neighbours we would have if we lived there. Are you kidding me? A ZEBRA RANCH?!? Now we have to have this place! And my kids think I am crazy for wanting a peacock! Ha! How wonderful would that be? I bet my kids would be willing to go ask the neighbour to borrow a cup of flour if that was where we lived! We would be in heaven!!

So we continue the saga with another day in limbo...!


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