Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hurry up and wait....!

     We just heard from the realtor today (finally)! She let us know that our offer has been accepted! Yay! We will close before June 1st on our little farm! I can hardly wait to start on my garden and get our chickens and ducks. I will be super busy right away.
     The biggest priority will be to rip out the old carpet, remove the popcorn ceiling, and then paint from ceiling to floor with the very best odor sealer out there. Any suggestions? I have heard about Kilz and BIN and so I will be looking into both products to see which has the better reviews because our house will need the help for sure. Seems that the previous owner had some big dogs (?) that NEVER got potty trained! The carpet is ruined and after sitting empty for about 6 months the odor is still incredibly strong. Just opening the door is enough to knock you off your feet!
     Also we will need to find a fridge with icemaker, a gas stove and eventually a dryer (when it starts getting too cool to dry clothes on the line). Once that is done and we are moved in and have my plants transplanted over there I can start getting the farm put together. Priority 1 will be to get gates installed and start doing any repairs to the fence that will be needed.
     I have been contemplating getting a survey done of the property and although it will be pricey I do think it is a good idea simply because we don't want to be building on someone else's land and vice versus. That way I can make sure the fences are in the appropriate place and it won't be something to wonder about in the future.
     As soon as the fences are good and the gates are up I want to start renting out some pasture to help with the mortgage cost. And I have had my eye on a few different ways to produce some income. I saw a few ads on craigslist for people who need a little space for an outfitting business and also for a permaculturalist wanting to rent some space to live off the land and off the grid. Both need/want some land and are willing to pay rent! This will definitely help with the cost of the mortgage. More investigating of these options will be done before making a decision though.
     If I can get enough side income going for stuff like that I should be able to pay the mortgage easily plus add a little to it to get it paid off earlier. Is it too much to shoot for paying it off in 10 years instead of 30? I don't think so!!

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